


Gleaming Light

創作者 Creator

Chen Yu-Jung

尺寸 Dimensions

600x500x150~180 cm


媒材 Media​

Transparent Sheer, Dichroic Film, LED Neon Light Strip, Lighting Controller, Ripple LED, DMX Light Controller, Circular Tube

創作理念 Design concept​


The movement of light reflects the colour variations of curved surfaces in the art installation, provided as mediums for the flow and its reflection of light and shadow. Through colour refraction of the dichroic film, the artwork creates visual effects of light and shadow dynamics. As with the flow movements of ripple LEDs and LED light bars, varying hues and lights are projected onto the water during days and nights. In the daytime, the reflection of natural light radiates through the dichroic film, which presents shifting visual effects of light and shadow flowing on the deck; at nighttime, the artwork showcases the ocean nature of the visual characteristics using the interplay of flowing LED light bars and the reflections from ripple LEDs.
