In the span of a 10-minute narrative, this artwork unfolds a tale. It speaks of a starship, stranded and adrift in the cosmos, awaiting its daily call to awaken and embark on its repetitive mission. Amidst the routines encountered during its missions, a multitude of daily disorder prevails. The starship journeys through desolate peaks, mundane stretches, moments of profound insignificance, reverence for the boundless universe, the pursuit of inner desires, and yearnings for the comfort of embrace. All of this, the entire journey, is encapsulated within. “Stellar Ark in the Room” is akin to the elephant in the room, an artistic representation of the starship hidden deep within us all. It might be abandoned, forgotten, or overlooked, yet it patiently waits, perpetually loyal, persisting in its ceaseless voyage until it fades into the boundless cosmos…