Curation Theme: Rings of Light
光 Light
Light is power transcending time and space and depicting the world we receive. In 2025, we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Yuejin Lantern Festival. The town and water space are integrated into the exhibition environment with the participation and contribution over 300 art teams to elevate the Yuejin Lantern Festival from a local festival to an international city brand.
年輪 Rings
年輪是時間的累積。自然界中,季節更替,太陽、月亮的陰晴圓缺,成就了「光」成長的軌跡。 一年之初,我們來到這裡, 細數層疊光影的同時,也回到最初開始的地方,繼續生長、綻放。
Rings are the accumulation of time. In nature, the changing seasons, the waxing and waning of the sun and moon, create the growth trajectory of "light." At the beginning of each year, we come here preparing the Festival and are brought back to the place where everything began and pray for continuous growth and prosperity.