Light Core
有用主張 UxU studio
作品《光核 Light Core》以光建構如核心般的球體,如種子般從天而降準備落地深根,亦如奇幻電影的場景彷彿未知的生物造訪;許多事物的成果,常是起始於一個極微小的開始,進而激起無限的漣漪,如同月津港燈節一般。作品希冀傳遞一個意念:「無論外在環境如何變遷、未來有多少挑戰,都要如年輪的核心般,永保初心。」
Annual rings are formed as trees grow outward from the core along with time; the outer expansion represents continuous change and accumulation while the core symbolizes stability and continuity. Growth is not just the passage of time but also the exploration and inner strength of life. A forest begins with a seed, and a group of objects begins with the birth of life.
ThI e artwork "Light Core" constructs a core-like sphere with light, representing a seed falling from the sky. It is ready to take root. It is also like a scene from a fantasy movie visited by an unknown creature. Many achievements often start from a tiny beginning just like the Yuejin Port Lantern Festival triggering infinite ripple,. The artwork conveys an idea: "No matter how the external environment changes or how many challenges the future holds, we shall always keep the original intention like the core of annual rings.”