Light Gathering
禹禹藝術工作室 Yu Yu Art Studio
在作品《 光聚 》中運用了竹、鐵、LED燈具構築了穿透性的水面裝置,隨著不同的視角而逐漸相互交錯的線條在空間中連結在一起,生命裡緩慢運行的過程中彼此在不同的向度各自精采,也在光的牽引之下再次相約在同一片水域,交織的記憶隨著時間流動與擴張,幻化成了點點波光,在空間中展現各種樣態。
The light brings us back.
Yuejin Harbor nurtures the energy of culture. Shimmering waves connect every life encounter. And art teams from different time dimensions inject energy year after year and continuously accumulate and build our generation's shared memory of Yanshui.
The artwork "Light Gathering" uses bamboo, iron, and LED lights to construct a penetrating water installation. With different perspectives changing, the gradually intersecting lines are connected in space as if we having our own wonderful lives in the slow process of life , and the light guilds us to meet here again. The intertwined memories flow and expand with time and transform into million dots of light, show various forms in space.