


Infinity Light Circles


有用主張 UxU studio  

年輪是樹木生⻑時形成的環形紋路,每一個圈都代表著時間、記憶與歷程的堆疊與積累。作品《無盡光輪Infinity Light Circles》轉化年輪的意象與概念、結合幾何學運算以及錯視原理,以光的線條建構出無限的迴圈,由內而外的每一個圈層,都象徵著一個個生命的起始,循環不息充滿無盡的能量。 


Annual rings are the circular patterns formed during the growth of trees, and each ring represents the accumulation of time, memory, and experience. The artwork "Infinity Light Circles" transforms the imagery and concept of annual rings by combining geometric calculations and optical illusions to construct infinite light loops. Each circle layer symbolizes the beginning of life that circulates endlessly with infinite energy. 

Each year's Yuejin Harbor Lantern Festival is a new collective experiences accumulated year after year, like annual rings continuously developing and connecting. The annual rings, like galaxies, continuously expand to intertwine art, environment, and social interactions at Yuejin Harbor aiming to connect locally to internationally in the future and inspire more creativity and participation.