End of light: The Black Hole
全榮一 Jeon Youngill
黑洞以超越想像的巨大力量,將歷史與當代匯聚成一道光芒。這道光芒與河面的倒影交融,化為一體,分流同行。這顛覆我們常識的吸積盤(accretion disk)的中心通往既充滿危險又滿懷希望的未來。
The black hole, with its unimaginable power, converges history and contemporary into a beam of light.
This light merges with the reflection on the river surface to become one and flow together.
The center of this accretion disk defies our common sense and leads to a future full of danger and hope. The black hole, composed of traditional Korean paper carrying Eastern history and lights and showcasing contemporary human technology, may lead us to that unknown realm. This black hole is capable of swallowing even light and has always been fascinating with its mysterious power.