


Dreams, Wishes, Rivers


創作者 吳修銘

Creator Wu Siou Ming

河流是生命的源頭,串起地方過去的夢境與未來的想望。作品將河 流視為一座活生生的「聲音檔案館」,蒐集來自水底、田野、甚至日 常生活的多重聲響。透過演算法的運算,作品將來自河流與周遭環境的各種聲音元素進行解構與重組,創造出一個充滿未知與變化的聽覺宇宙。觀眾可向裝置吹氣進行互動,共同譜寫一段獨特的聽覺 旅程。

A river is the birthplace of life, bridging the dreams of the past and the hopes for the future. This piece treats the river as a vibrant "sound archive," gathering a diverse array of sounds from beneath the water, the countryside, and our everyday lives. By employing algorithms, the piece dissects and reassembles these sonic elements from the river and its surroundings, generating an auditory cosmos brimming with uncertainty and evolution. Audiences can engage with the installation by blowing into it, collectively composing a distinctive auditory experience.