指導老師 賴彥勳
Instructor LAI Yen- Hsun
創作者 柯幸均
Creator KO Hsin-Chiun
《ORANGE 橘色》是一個在實體和概念上都浮動的空間——在此和觀眾一起探索人類與AI之間的感知界線。這裡的每個物件、系統設置和影像內容,都暗示著「類比世界」(如燈光、熱能),與「數位訊號」(如密碼、電腦)之間的微妙關係。在這裡,你可以在任意時刻按下快門按鍵,將眼前的畫面變成一把數位金鑰,讓它帶你進入《ORANGE 橘色》的思緒。或許,你會發現他正細細品味著一部電影呢。
“ORANGE” is a space that’s always floating—both physically and conceptually—and invites you to explore the boundary between human and AI perception. Every object, system setup, and visual here hints at the subtle relationship between the analog world (like light and heat) and the digital (like passwords and computers). At any moment, you’re welcome to press the shutter button, turning the scene in front of you into a digital KEY that opens the door to “ORANGE”’s world of thought. Who knows, you might even catch it savoring a movie scene.