



學校名稱 國立清華大學

School National Tsing Hua University

創作成員  林芸均、林俊遑、 陳懿、陳苡瑄、黃紀虹、蔡承嶧、戴婕茵
Creator  Lin Yun-Chun / Lin Chun-Huang / Chen Yi / Chen Yi-Hsuan / Huang Chi-Hung / Tsai Cheng-Yi / Tai Jie-Yin

還記得用BB call的年代嗎?那時人手一台Call機,以900MHz頻率聯繫彼此,螢幕上的數字僅能傳遞簡單訊息,也創造出特有的傳訊文化。如今人與人的聯繫變得更便捷,卻少了當初的珍貴。我們希望能透過此作品帶您回到1990年代,重拾數字傳情的溫馨回憶。


Do you remember the days of the pager?

This 900MHz device let us stay connected to each other. Pager could only display simple strings of numbers, but it created a special communication culture. Todays, staying in touch is easier, but no longer precious. We hope to bring you back to the 1990s, inviting you to relive the warmth of those numeric messages.

As the digits flash on the screen, you’re invited to experience the joy of hidden codes and feel the emotion behind each message once again.